Future Primitive No. 1


This comic has the feeling and sense that people have lost something — civilization and that now they have to go back to basics . People are using the methods that were first end used by the Mayans. This includes the Mayan calendar and their ways as a form of survival while they wait for their last hope.

The comic keeps track of time in terms of the solar time. It serves as countdown showing reader that something big is coming.

The conflict is evident. The two clans occupying the pages are the Sun clan and the Moon clan. Another way of saying light and dark or good versus evil. With good reason too; the Moon clan tends to slaughter innocent people.

This comic leaves the reader entertained and interested. The comic will leave the reader asking questions such as: ‘What will happen when the countdown hits zero?’ Or ‘Exactly what it is that the clans are fighting over?’

if interested click here  for more info on the five part comic series.

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